Principles of Ministry
While the mission statement is a succinct expression of our purposes in ministry the Principles of Ministry represent our core values as a church and the manner in which we intend, by God’s grace, to carry out our mission.
While the mission statement is a succinct expression of our purposes in ministry the Principles of Ministry represent our core values as a church and the manner in which we intend, by God’s grace, to carry out our mission.
- We will maintain a faith dependence on God. Hebrews 11.6ff as we to set both faith and work goals as a church.
- We are faithfully committed to prayer (Isaiah 55.6; 1 Thessalonians 5.16 John 16.24 cp. James 3.2). It is our desire that all the segment ministries, ministry teams, small groups and members of the body be devoted to prayer for the life and ministry of this fellowship.
- We are joyful in worship (Psalm 115; 100; Hebrews 10.24-25). Worship is our highest priority; we desire to know God, and in knowing Him, to worship Him.
- The Bible properly interpreted is the basis for all ministry (1 Thessalonians 2.13; 1 Timothy 3.14; 2 Timothy 2.15).
- We will maintain a strong teaching and preaching ministry (Ephesians 4.11ff; Jeremiah 1.9-10; Ezekiel 33.7; Acts 20.28).
- We emphasis discipleship & spiritual reproduction (Matthew 28.18-20; Philemon 6; 2 Corinthians 2.12; 5.18). We are looking to have a balanced ministry of 20% outreach, 60% growth, and 20% sending which will give us a healthier balance between conversion growth and transfer growth within the church.
- We seek to develop intentional caring relationships (Galatians 5.6; John 13.34; Colossians 2.2 & 3.12; Romans 15.1ff). In a world that is filling up with splintered relationships we are consciously committed to deep and lasting relationships with one another as we develop Biblical community.
- We will retain a simple and flexible administrative structure (Numbers 11; Acts 6.1ff; 1 Timothy 3.1ff; Titus 1.5ff). While there is no hard and fast structure set forth in Scripture we want to adhere to the principles given to us in the Word with flexibility to respond to the Holy Spirit (Acts 1.23; Acts 16.28).
- The structure and ministry of the church is developed from the spiritual giftedness of the body – God does not hold the believer accountable for what he does not give him (Ephesians 3.7, 14; 4.11; 1 Corinthians 12.4ff; Romans 12.3-8).
- We promote unity among the saints in seeking to be of one accord (1 Corinthians 12.25; John 17.20-21; Philippians 2.3-5; Romans 15.5).
- We foster a team approach to ministry (Genesis 2.18; John 11; Philippians 1.1; Acts 13.2-3). We are saved into a community of faith (ecclesia) and we recognize that we are stronger together than we are apart, because no one person has all that is needed to accomplish all God requires of us.
- We seek spiritually gifted believers to serve on ministry teams (Acts 13.1-3; Daniel 1.42; 2Chronicles 34.2; 2 Timothy 2.2). It is not enough to be talented, we are also required to be Spirit-led and Spirit-filled.
- We recognize every believer is called to minister and every believer is a recipient of ministry (2 Timothy 3.14ff; Philippians 1.6; 3.17). We want to provide each believer who wants to serve, the opportunity to do so, and we want each believer to be afforded ample opportunities for their Christian growth.
- Ministry is to take place in both large and small groups settings (Acts 5.5; Matthew 11.1 & 5.1).
- Ministry takes place both inside and outside the "church" building (Matthew 28.18-20; Acts 17.19). As we are going we administer the word of grace to those in need.